Clark C Phynics

Clark C Phynics


 Clark's birth name was Chantal, named for Chanel No. 5, being her mother's favorite parfum, & what her mother was feeling would be 'a lovely movie star's name'. Clark was found to have a genius IQ between 142 & 180, with artistic strengths by the Canadian government. While in a ten year Academy for the Gifted, Clark was enrolled in the elite Claude Watson's School for the Arts as a theatre major. Formal training in the five year course & master's class delved into ritual theatre, Greek, Italian renaissance, Shakespeare, Elizabethan, classical masters, musical, & modern contemporary. 

 The school had accepted too few male students in Clark's year, resulting in her nearly always being cast as a male lead over forty times. Herein she was first cast as Zeus, played Hamlet on numerous occasions, & played the male counter to female leads she took on; flipping between both Rosalind & Duke Senior (As You Like It), Beatrice & Benedict (Much Ado About Nothing), or Katerina &  Petruchio (Taming of the Shrew) for examples. This concluded with Clark being cast in Waiting for Godot, a two person play that traditionally forbids female actors. For her Masters Class, her instructor Paula selected what she felt would be Clark's hardest role, being in a 'bleach blond airhead comedic role'. When Clark found the part to be exceedingly difficult to relate with, Paula was seen saying to herself, 'I am a genius'.

 Having played strong lead (male) roles for five years, something not hardly experienced by women at that time, Clark could not go back. As near to no strong female leads in film existed then, Clark enrolled in Ryerson University's prestigious four year film BAA program to create her own. Within, Clark took on multiple on camera performances where she was cast as the lead, & formal film acting training. 

Request her resume or to discuss a project.