
Lonely Hearts TV series

 Considering herself a 're-virgin' after having been unwillingly celibate for over fifteen years due to circumstance, Clark conceived the idea of a reality & dating series for people in the same situation. Mini seasons discover why various people have been single for so long that in fact, seek love, and go to the task of overcoming their obstacles, while connecting them with possible romantic interests.

 We bring out the beauty of people from paraplegics, to rural farmers, models, fetishists, soldiers, royalty, a widow with nine kids, sexual assault survivors, business travelers, & eccentric personalities; people that know the odds, or a personal situation, are against them finding romance.

The LONELY HEARTS series takes the task of widening a person's world to find love, to heart, while inspiring others in the world that may share the same issue and relate.

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Possible theme song title clip are: Beatles 'Eleanor Rigby', Queen 'Somebody to Love', or Michael Buble 'I Just Haven't Met You Yet' or Alicia Keys 'Girl on Fire'.